Growth of Crystal

    In Crystal Growth lab, we learned how rocks are formed. Rocks are formed by minerals.Minerals are formed by evaporating and crystallized(dissolve in water). Each mineral has its own properties, such as streak, cleavage, and fracture. Those things above are the stuff we learned in the pre-lab,then we started the experiments.
     1. First we chose 2 types of minerals in powdered form.
     2. Get cup and filled in water.
     3. Put above the warmer.
     4. Put powdered of mineral (once 2 spoon) in the cup and stirred the water.
     5. Did it again and again until the water was totally saturated.
     6. Did the steps above with the 2nd powder of mineral.
     7. Put the liquid in cups and put under the sun.
Everyday we recorded the data about how the liquid change. After we finished data, we completed the conclusion and handed it in.

Mineral properties:
 Streak: a color of mineral in its powdered form.

 Metallic luster: the mineral looks like metal.

 Non-metallic luster:the mineral doesn't look like metal

 cleavage:a mineral that breaks evenly in the surface.

 fracture: a mineral that breaks unevenly,(wave)

 color: how does a mineral look.

 Hardness: a scale 1-10, the hardest mineral to the softest mineral.


Composition: chemical formula of minerals

Mineral Identification:

Metallic luster- look like metal
Color- black to silver

Fracture- in an uneven pattern
Mohs scale- hardness 5.5 to6.5
Streak- black streak
Composition- Fe3O4


Non-metallic luster- look like metal
Color- white to green
Cleavage- in an even pattern
Mohs scale- hardness 1
Streak- White to green
Composition-  Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
