Rock Types

Rock Cycle
In this session, we studied something about rocks. There are only three types of rocks in the world. They are igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock. The 3 types of rocks are transferring into others’ forms, we called it “Rock Cycle.”
The hot liquid inside of the volcano called magma or lava. When the volcano explodes, the magma comes out and cools down (solidification) to form extrusive igneous rock (forms the surface of the earth). It is smaller than intrusive igneous rock. Because intrusive igneous rock takes more time to form. Intrusive igneous rock is formed inside of volcano.
When the rain (wind and etc…) breaks down the igneous rock into small pieces and brings to other area, they are sedimentary rock [weathering and erosion]. When sedimentary rock pressure and glue together (compaction and cementation) to form a sedimentary rock. Organic sedimentary rock made up of dead organisms. Chemical sedimentary rock is evaporating solution. Clastic sedimentary rock is already formed by cemented.
When sedimentary rock passes through the process metamorphism. Metamorphism is heating and pressure. It means to push them together and heating. When metamorphic rock formed, it pushed down and down in the deep of the ground. Then it melts into magma inside of the volcano. 

The cycle backs up to the beginning and starts the cycle again. Every types of rock could melt and then transfers into magma by melting, not only metamorphic rock. Sedimentary rock made up of sediments as known as sands. Metamorphic rock made up of igneous and sedimentary rock. Igneous rock made up of magma. 
Vocabularies(definitions are in the esssay): 
Metamorhpic rock



Igneous rock








sedimentary rock

Rock Types:
Intrusive igneous rock is a rock that formed in side of the volvano by cooling down of magma, it is large and takes more time to form mineral.
Extrusive igeous rock is a rock cooling down of magma in surface of the earth, it is small rock.
Clastic sedimentary rock is already formed by sands by cemented.
Chemical sedimentary rock is the rock formed by Evaporating solution(the process that liquid turns into gas).
Organic sedimentary rock is a rock that formed by dead organisms.
Foliated metamorphic rock is a rock that arrange in layers.
Non-foliated metamorphic rock is a rock that doesn't arrange in layers.


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