In this project, I learned a lot of things, basically they are related to plate tectonics which is the movement of plates in the earth. There are 4 layers in the earth, crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. Crust is formed by plates which is like puzzles that could match with each other. There are 2 types of crust which are continental and oceanic, continental crust is where we are standing right now but oceanic crust is the plates that are under water. In a long time ago, people did not belief that plates are moving (plate tectonics) but there are some evidences occur in the earth would prove that it is real
Plate boundaries - divergent, convergent and transform. Those 3 could act as evidences that the plates are moving. Convergent plate boundary is when 2 plates come together which usually create mountains/mid-ocean ridges. Mountains are occurring in anywhere of the earth which means the land that we stand is moving. Divergent plate boundary is when the plate fall apart which create rift valley, you can also find it in the earth. Transform plate boundary usually create earthquake, if earthquake happens which means that the land around it is moving. The 3 types of plate boundaries would create 3 different features that proved the plate tectonics.
Continental drift is a theory that all continents are together to form a Pangaea in a long time ago then scientists found out some evidences to prove it. Alfred Wegener is the one who discovered the continental drift but not one believes him. But half century after, scientists found out that he was right. Because plate boundaries of the continents are matching, the shapes of plates could be put together as puzzles. Fossils in different continents would also be matched with other fossils from different continents. And land forms in the continents are similar. So, continental drift is true. Continental drift proves plate tectonics was happening.
Earthquake is happening in the world that it is the movement of the land. There are 3 types of seismic waves that are P, S, L-waves. P-wave is when land moves right and left, S-wave is when the land moves up and down, L-wave is when the land moves in all direction. P-wave is the fastest, L-wave is slowest but the most dangerous. Those earthquake waves would prove that plates are moving every day.
I agree with the plate tectonics because I learned many causes of the plate tectonics, the reasons listed above are the evidences. Plate tectonics is the movement of plate that causes the features such as trench, mountains and so on. I also got experiences about earthquakes, you could feel the movements when they happened. If nothing is moving, why do earthquakes happen. So I believe in the theory.

1.I enjoy the most in this project was the music video because I think those music are creative and funny, I was laughing when I was listening to it.
2.The most challenging part for me in this project was to do all of them on time because it took some time for me to research the information that were required.
3.The new skill that I learn in this project is to organize my time well because the time was tight.
4.I think I could do my foldable better, because 2 of my foldable are exactly the same.
5.If I could change some things, I will choose the other topic because I did earthquake for Natural disaster project that I want to do some thing different.


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